So, ... this is the first of (hopefully) many blogs from the German. After Mark has showed me the beauty of making this page our own, I thought I straight away use the opportunity to just summarise our leaving party last Saturday.

Many many people came (even some we didn't invite and thought they could just steal a sausage without even knowing us. What has the world come to?). Food was plentyful and thanks to Ben, the Master Chef, we had a constant supply of grilled goods, to (even ones we didn't own).

The night ended at our house (no neighbours in sight) with Water Pipe (strawberry and apple flavour after loud discussion) and Tamey's wedding DVD. At 4am, Kerry, Richard and Ben got a taxi and I went to bed. Mark and Steven managed to stay up even longer (I'm clearly too old for this these days).

So, what is to come? Well, on Wednesday we will move out of our pretty little flat and seek asylum at Mr & Mrs Henderson's house.

On Sunday, I will fly back to Europe mainland and enjoy the German sun, Mark is to follow on the 18th. And then, .... off to Beijing!!!!!!!!!!
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