But once again, due to a late night last night, my body clock is all out of sync.
Since my previous post on Wednesday we've eaten pigs head in a Xuzhou (Shelley's home town) restaurant - it was actually good. We've had chickens feet:
In a Sichuan restaurant and crayfish and eel in what Michael called a Chinese Restaurant. I think he didn't really know what region it was, so just told me that to shut me up.
I have discovered that people are damn obliging here. We went for a couple of games of pool, there were no beers behind the bar, so the barman nipped off to the shop to get us some. I like Milky Tea with tapioca seeds in.
All you can drink at TGI Friday's for around £5 is a bad way to start a Friday night. And TGI cocktails are rank, way to sweet. Chicken on a stick outside of a nightclub absolutely kills a burger from a dodgy van.
Tomorrow I get the 20:30 night train from Suzhou to Beijing and a new part of the journey begins. I'm a little apprehensive, but that's probably healthy, it would be a bit dim to move to a city of 15 million people where you don't know a single person and be totally complacent. I am very excited though, this first week has been great and China is a really fantastic place to be. It seems to be really fast-moving and constantly changing and modernising cities. I guess there'll be an upturn in the blogging since I won't know anyone there, so I'll have time on my hands. I'll be sightseeing, house hunting and generally trying to get to know the city too though, so there'll be plenty going on.