Friday, 15 August 2008

Last Day and visa settlement

Quick post before decamping to the boozer.

Secco at 17:00, Basha at 19:00, then The Forth whenever after that.

So my final day at work and I got a cracking haul of presents:
  • A lecturer's jacket of the type you'd expect to have leather patches (picture to follow)

  • A pipe for the same reason as above

  • A certificate detailing my achievements (scanned copy to follow)

  • A Hugo Boss tie - very bebonair

  • A beautiful Waterman Pen, engraved with one of my typical work phrases "For Fuck's Sake"

  • An extremely high quality merino undershirt to deal with the Beijing winter (see below)

Oh and the letter of invitation is on it's way too, so that's a big relief. The earliest it will arrive is Monday at 18:00. I'll keep you posted.

By the way, the German is isolated in southern Germany, Stuttgart and Freiburg to be exact - hence no posts.

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