Sunday, 7 September 2008

I'm beginning to think I am a tortoise

I am currently packing to move again.
This is move number 5 in a series of 6 in the last month.
China Agricultural University
Kempinski Hotel
And then there's still the final one to come when we actually pick an apartment to rent. I'll be pleased when I stop the nomadic lifestyle I think.
But the very positive side of packing is that Caroline arrives here tomorrow at 11:10 in the morning.
And happily when I received my timetable a couple of hours ago, I saw that I am not due to teach on Mondays (I work two hours on Wednesday lunchtime and two hours on Friday afternoons. Until October when it goes up by a factor of four), so most importantly I am able to go and meet Caroline, but also see the new Beijing airport terminal T3, which is apparently one of the biggest in the world. 17% bigger than all five terminals at Heathrow if you like pointless trivia, which I do. You can bet it'll function better than T5 too. Honestly when I last came through there after the momentous flash visit to Berlin it was like entering a Police State, all of the cameras and bio-records they take. Ironic really since I now live in China.

Last night me and my new mate Dan went to try and get close to the Bird's Nest stadium so that we could see the opening ceremony fireworks of the Paralympics. We didn't get too close, the security was pretty tight. But we certainly got close enough to see the fireworks and drink a few beers. We then went for a few games of pool and big bottles of Tsing Tao for 10Y. Actually if you want another piece of pointless trivia, here's one for you. It's basically German beer y'see, that's why it's good.

Anyway, as we couldn't get too close to the Bird's Nest last night, today I decided to buy these:

It should be excellent, these are the events that we get to see. Two tickets for 100Y or about £8. Let's see if London manage to keep the prices so low.

I currently have indigestion after going for dinner with Dan and three American teachers. Big Pizza have an all you can eat buffet (including beer) for 45Y. The food was fine, but I had no urge to have 'Western' food. I overcame that lack of urge and managed to overeat.

Right, off to finish (start) the packing and watch the remainder of Casino Royale ah the beauty of DVDs in China.


Gregwa said...

Mate, if you manage to sit for 11 hours and watch all of those events i think i would fly out there to personally pat you on the back!

Still it'll be excellent and i thought about you when i saw the fireworks yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Och well, the tickets not valid for the whole day, just the 17:00 - 22:00 session.

The fireworks were great.