Friday 23 October 2009

New Kids on the Blog

Well, not new kids actually, just the same old ones.
But it seemed like a mildly amusing pun with which to announce our reappearance here on German & Geordie in Zhong Guo.

Since we got back to Beijing from Berlin to say things have been busy would be an understatement.
Caroline's job remains highly time-consuming, although from the outside it seems slightly less crazy than it was in the spring / early summer.
My two jobs have upped the ante and I am now managing people and programmes at both, which is obviously more demanding, but also more challenging from a positive perspective. I'm learning a huge amount, much quicker I think than I could in similar positions in Europe.
We've also moved into a new apartment, which merits its own blog post - due this weekend! Who knew we had so much stuff?
We also seem to have got more popular socially; in the month that we've been in the new apartment I think we've eaten dinner inside only twice.
I'm obviously not complaining about any of these things, but when you couple these things with the limits placed on the Internet (blogger is blocked) it has been particularly difficult to update the blog.

So over the weekend you can expect a post about our new place and another about the National Day Holiday, 60th Anniversary celebrations in China at the beginning of this month.

In the meantime however, I want to leave you with something I saw online and think is basically brilliant.

Link in case the embedded player doesn't work.

1 comment:

Kevin Richardson said...

good to see you are back on line...and that things are going well for your both....things ok and samey samey here...united playing certain local authority showing leadership by the buckets...etce etc....and winter not far for god news? we had largest attendance yet at international students day...what a great atmosphere as ever !